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Head Start

Head Start

Better preparing young children and their families
for life experiences now and in the future.

Head Start is a federally and state funded family service preschool program designed to provide income-eligible children with enrichment and social experiences that will allow them to reach their full potential when they enter school.  Head Start provides an atmosphere of acceptance and opportunities for success that helps each child build the positive self-esteem so essential to healthy development.  Head Start works in partnership with families to support the achievement of their goals. 

The program offers services in the areas of early education and health as well as family and community partnerships.  Head Start encourages parent involvement through home visits, parent/teacher conferences, parent meetings, classroom volunteer schedules, and parent trainings, as well as offering the opportunity for active involvement at the policy committee and council levels.

In the Head Start Education Program, activities allow individualized instruction, one-on-one interactions with peers and/or adults, and freedom of choice.  Each child grows and develops socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically at his/her own pace.  In Center-Based Head Start, children attend class four half-days per week with a teacher and a teacher assistant.  

Early Head Start is a center and home-based program that services pregnant mothers and families with children three weeks old to age three.

Home-Based Head Start offers an opportunity for a weekly home visitor and a bi-monthly classroom experience and parent meeting.

For more information, please call 810-235-5613.